other people's photos, or shit that tickles my fancy.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

schematic series no. 7

narrow gauge railroad cars

schematic series no. 6

British hardware

schematic series no. 5

Sauer 38H 32

schematic series no. 4

Commodore C1084S

schematic series no. 3

beef cuts

schematic series no. 2

Thai theatrical dress

schematic series no. 1

Yakovlev Yak

Friday, May 26, 2006

muscle vikings!

does it bother anyone else that their skin is the same color as the curtains?

man, the 50s (or 30s, or 40s. whatever.) were a weird time

Howard Hoffman and The Vikings at Radio City Music Hall

Friday, May 12, 2006

salt ponds, san fransisco bay

scientists believe this is what the earth will look like when the oceans dry up. they predict that the planet will slowly turn pink as a build-up of salt on the surface of the earth causes the surface iron to rust and halophyllic bacteria to grow, similar to the coloration of these salt ponds.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

unintentionally great design

dave czaplak, budding graphic savant.

industrial series part 5

okay, i think this is out of my system.

industrial series part 4

refinery, texas.

industrial series part 3

power plant, niederaussen, germany.

industrial series part 2

refinery at night, czech republic.

industrial series part 1

oil refinery, new orleans.